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MV Lifestyle 'N Motion Blog Abundance Begins Within

Abundance Begins Within


Abundance comes when you set the stage and get your mindset in order. It’s difficult to experience when life is filled with distractions and random to-do lists, and your mindset is overflowing with anxiety, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt. Take a moment and explore beyond your comfort zone, beyond the limitations you set for yourself, to create possibilities of what’s waiting beyond your current awareness.

Change and the unknown can be scary, yet if you don’t try or embrace the process, you’ll never receive the magnitude of abundance or appreciate it when it arrives. Embracing the process requires a willingness to change, manage your limiting beliefs, and unmask the potential you already have inside of you, waiting and seeking to emerge.

This process requires being authentic with yourself, accountable to yourself, acknowledging your emotions without brushing them under the carpet, and not hiding from your fears and insecurities. It requires you to lean into the uncomfortable and ask yourself what negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors keep you from showing up as your best self. Ask yourself what is getting in your way?

  • Do you engage in a lot of negative self-talk?
  • Do you complain a lot about what others are doing?
  • Do you blame others for your circumstances?
  • Do you consistently see yourself judging others or yourself?
  • Do you have difficulty making decisions and therefore choose not to take action?
  • Do you constantly criticize your projects, dreams, or goals?
  • Do you constantly get mad at yourself for the decisions you make?

During this process, remember it’s you vs. you, and it's a non-judgment zone. So take a deep breath and give yourself an honest answer. Don’t rob your blessings from the narrative of the past, the insecurity of the present, or fear of the future. Identifying your answer increases your self-awareness and allows you to address the limiting belief head-on so you can grow through it. It will enable you to explore some areas where internal work needs to be done. If you need assistance, schedule a reflective journaling session. As you overcome these internal battles and challenges, your awareness will shift, your actions will become more intentional, and abundance will be part of your new narrative.

You always have a choice in your thoughts and your behaviors. The choices you make daily matter. Take an internal inventory consistently and pivot as needed. To create a new narrative, adjust your thought process and validate yourself. Receiving abundance begins from the inside out; therefore, it starts with working on yourself and starts with you. It can be a challenge to look inside and be honest with yourself. Start by practicing self-care daily to release the external noise. This practice will guide you in making time with yourself, creating joy in your own company, exploring next-step possibilities, and embracing the wonders of you. 

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Written By De Vida Gill

Dr. De Vida Gill is an Educator, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, and Creative Strategist. She is passionate about integrating Arts & Entertainment, Mental Health, and Education. For 25+ years, she has created programs and services to empower creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to unmask their potential and embrace their authenticity. 

Contact Mahogany Vida for more information.

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