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MV Lifestyle 'N Motion Blog Embracing the Power of Pivoting and Moving Forward

Embracing the Power of Pivoting and Moving Forward


The path of growth can be met with challenges fueled with mixed emotions and self-doubt about which road to take - to move forward, pivot, or stop altogether. Life is an omnidirectional journey, filled with twists and turns, and sometimes, our initial plans might not align with the path that unfolds. But that's when resiliency is displayed - the willingness to adapt, evolve, and honor our personal or professional growth.

Think about going on a road trip, heading toward a destination. Suddenly, you come across a detour sign. Do you turn around and go back, or do you take the detour? You already know what going back looks and feels like. But the detour is an unknown journey. The detour will allow you to create new experiences, explore different sceneries, eventually put you back on track to your destination, and provide a fresh perspective.

Similarly, as we navigate our dreams and goals, the journey is just as valuable as the destination. If you find that your initial path no longer resonates with your authentic self or that external circumstances have shifted, consider pivoting. Pivoting isn't a sign of failure; it's a testament to your resiliency, adaptability, and commitment to aligning with your true passions and purpose. Adjust your goal, explore a different avenue, or discover a new level of self-awareness. 

On the other hand, there might be instances where you decide that stopping a particular goal is the best decision for your overall well-being and growth. This decision is not for you to cast a harsh judgment on yourself. It falls under a personal decision and, therefore, a no-judgment zone. It takes self-awareness, courage, and strength to recognize when a path no longer serves you and transition toward a direction that feeds your soul.

Regardless of the path you take, it is uniquely yours. Whether you pivot, pause, or continue your initial journey, the key is to do so with intention, self-awareness, and self-compassion. Pivoting or stopping doesn't mean giving up on your dreams – it means allowing yourself to evolve and honoring your intuition, heart, and what brings you joy. It's about embracing the ebb and flow of life and recognizing that your journey is a masterpiece in progress.

As you move forward in life, each step you take, no matter the direction, is a step toward self-awareness, growth, personal development, and fulfillment. Embrace the power of pivoting, trust your inner compass, and know that your journey is uniquely yours.

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Written By De Vida Gill

Dr. De Vida Gill is an Educator, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, and Creative Strategist. She is passionate about integrating Arts & Entertainment, Mental Health, and Education. For 25+ years, she has created programs and services to empower creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to unmask their potential and embrace their authenticity. 

Contact Mahogany Vida for more information.

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