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MV Lifestyle 'N Motion Blog Energy Is Everything

Energy Is Everything


Day in and day out, we interact with others personally and professionally via telephone, cyberspace, and face-to-face. Energy is everything, whether it's our loved ones, associates, partners, or strangers. It can lift us up, spark a renewed sense of being, functionality, drive, and determination, and be an all-encompassing positive force to achieve productivity and success. On the other hand, it can also suck us dry, render us helpless, withdrawn, isolated, exhausted, and attack any type of mobility we may have left, leaving us stagnant and empty.

So what do we do? How do we protect our energy?

First, check your own energy levels. Is it positive or negative? Do you find yourself speaking more negative thoughts or positive thoughts to others? What about yourself - do you speak more positively or negatively? Do you find yourself focusing more on the problem or the solution?

Now, check the energy of those you surround yourself with. Is it positive or negative? When you leave a conversation with specific individuals, do you find yourself more drained and exhausted or uplifted and vibrant? Do you hesitate to talk to certain people or play dodgeball with their calls and interactions? If so, why? Is it possible they are your energy suckers?

Let's find out. Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the right side, write the header "Positive/ Energetic," and on the left, write the header "Negative/ Energy Suckers." Make a list of people on both sides and determine if there is a pattern. Next, be honest with yourself and write down which side the people in your life would place you on. Then, write down what side you would place yourself on. Again, be honest.

Energy is a powerful force in both directions. And because of that, it's important to be mindful and take control of the energy within our realm. It first starts with you. If you see a negative thought pop into your head, notice that it's happening and flip the script on it... meaning change the focus. Is it that easy? No - not always, but it can be done if you are mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. On some level, you are already doing it. Think about when you are watching television, and something comes on that you don't want to watch. You'd turn the channel, right? Or, if you come home at night and it's dark, you'd flip on the switch to change the lighting in the room from off to on so you can see.

Flipping the script of your thoughts and energy is the same thing. If you find a negative thought pop into your head, flip it to the positive. Shift your focus. If that's difficult, focus on gratitude. What are you thankful for? Choose carefully who you decide to spend your time and energy with. Look at your inner circle, and determine if you should modify accordingly based on their energy - from those who will suck your life out to those who will lift you up. Be protective of your energy, it's important, and you're important. 

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Written By De Vida Gill

Dr. De Vida Gill is an Educator, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, and Creative Strategist. She is passionate about integrating Arts & Entertainment, Mental Health, and Education. For 25+ years, she has created programs and services to empower creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to unmask their potential and embrace their authenticity. 

Contact Mahogany Vida for more information.

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