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MV Lifestyle 'N Motion Blog Pathways of Resiliency

Pathways of Resiliency


As you walk through life, you'll have challenges, ups and downs, and character-building circumstances, but how you define those circumstances is really up to you.

It's not about that external validation because no one genuinely knows you more than you know yourself. So give yourself grace, gratitude, and permission to be and do without compromising who you are. During a character-building day, amid a challenge, utilize it as an opportunity to lean in and figure out what you want. Break through the limitations of your mind and that of others and seek internal strength. Ask yourself: "How are you going to define this moment?" It's not about that final destination but who you become in the process. There are always choices, and it is up to you to choose or create one. Remember that not making a choice or creating other options is still a choice, which means you're not counting on yourself. Do not fall victim to circumstance by not making a decision, and do not betray your future by not living or making consciously informative decisions in the present. Again, you've got to count on you.

Forging through the pathways of resiliency means being flexible and adjustable. It means being able to withstand the challenges in your path, identifying whether you need to turn left or right, and determining when, if, which way, and how far you need to pivot. Resilience is recovering from those challenging times amid the chaos and adapting mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Your future is at your fingertips, so be resilient and choose a pathway. Don't get stumped by the not knowing. Lean into the curiosity of what can come next. What's the next step you can take? Nurture your self-worth, and don't underestimate the power inside of you. Remember, unforeseen circumstances are not obstacles but challenges. Practice redefining the words you say to yourself through positive self-talk that represents grace, patience, and understanding in the face of adversity. Lean into your out-of-the-box thinking mindset and create a new plan as needed.

If you need assistance, schedule a reflective journaling session to review past lessons from previous character-building moments, or ask me about storybook journaling to re-evaluate your current circumstance.

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Written By De Vida Gill

Dr. De Vida Gill is an Educator, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, and Creative Strategist. She is passionate about integrating Arts & Entertainment, Mental Health, and Education. For 25+ years, she has created programs and services to empower creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to unmask their potential and embrace their authenticity. 

Contact Mahogany Vida for more information.

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