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MV Lifestyle 'N Motion Blog Reset - Destination Abundance

Reset - Destination Abundance


There is no time like the present to conduct an internal inventory of your mind.

Why? - Your thoughts shape how you see yourself and the world and influence your emotions and behavior.

The power of your mind is as priceless as a diamond representing strength, love, and health. Therefore, it can work for you or against you. So, monitoring your thoughts is of the utmost importance.

How? - Conduct a daily internal assessment of how you talk to yourself.

Notice whether you speak life and positive energy into yourself or if you defame your character and engage in negative self-talk.

How you speak to yourself matters! The world is challenging in and of itself without adding negative energy about yourself into the mix.

As a creative and out-of-the-box thinker, you know what it's like to experience anxiety, overwhelm, stress, and self-doubt. Maybe you've even questioned yourself, wondering if you are doing something right, good enough, or whether what you do matters. Having these thoughts and internal conversations are common. However, lingering in this non-productive state is self-defeating, and I’m pretty sure this is not where you want those thoughts and feelings to rest.

So, take corrective action by noticing when those negative feelings come up. If you wallow in the negativity stream, practice giving equal access and energy to positive thoughts and feelings. Think of it as creating a manifesto of gratitude and blessings. When you reset your mind with the destination of abundance, you practice self-awareness, increase your imagination, and decrease putting limitations on your vision or dream.

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Written By De Vida Gill

Dr. De Vida Gill is an Educator, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, and Creative Strategist. She is passionate about integrating Arts & Entertainment, Mental Health, and Education. For 25+ years, she has created programs and services to empower creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to unmask their potential and embrace their authenticity. 

Contact Mahogany Vida for more information.

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