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MV Lifestyle 'N Motion Blog Whether You Can or Whether You Can't, You're Right

Whether You Can or Whether You Can't, You're Right


We live in a world where we are constantly on the go, moving and shaking, and sometimes forget to stop and breathe for a moment. Maybe we find ourselves: constantly guzzling energy drinks or caffeine to stay awake as we strive for perfection; juggle the challenges of family and career; complete a project; get caught up in the next best thing; try to make a dollar out of fifteen cents; or feel the weight of the world pressing down on our shoulders. It may also include our circle of influence and the effects of their negative energy surrounding us. During those moments, it may be challenging to find a reason to crack a smile as we slowly watch our dream slip by the waist-side and get deferred.

So when that happens, what do you do? You STOP! Notice what is happening and take a moment to breathe. Let's take a moment for a reality check. Whether you say you can or whether you say you can't... you are right. It all starts with you and your thoughts. The reality is that life will happen whether you want it to or not, and many times you have limited control of your current situation, if any. But you do have control over how you think, which has more of an impact than you may realize on your emotions. In actuality, your thoughts affect your emotions, thereby influencing your behavior.

I heard someone once say to a person, "just because you were born in poverty doesn't mean you are in poverty." I remember another person saying to a patient, "you may have cancer, but cancer doesn't have you." These were profound statements that serve as an example. The situation doesn't change, but what that person thinks will affect their mood/emotion, affecting their behavior.

This is why I savor the elements of arts and entertainment and recommend it to not only artists but everyone. It provides a safe platform form of open expression in various modes (dancing, acting, drawing, singing, songwriting, music, photography, writing, etc.) for entertainment, revival, strong sensation, diversion, discharge, mental work, and solace. It covers all human emotions through diverse platforms.

So what do you choose? A movie, a concert, journaling, listening to music, taking pictures, drawing, coloring, playing an instrument, etc. Choose your pleasure, be mindful of the thoughts you say to yourself, inhale, exhale, and breathe.

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Written By De Vida Gill

Dr. De Vida Gill is an Educator, Author, Certified Transformational Life Coach, and Creative Strategist. She is passionate about integrating Arts & Entertainment, Mental Health, and Education. For 25+ years, she has created programs and services to empower creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to unmask their potential and embrace their authenticity. 

Contact Mahogany Vida for more information.

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